Salam blogger - sobat Virtual World Explorer. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit informasi menarik yaitu tentang tatacara membuat forum dalam blog kita sendiri. Nah sebelum membahasnya terlebih dahulu kita lihat yuk contohnya, silahkan kunjungi Forum Bebas disana saya sudah membuat forum melalui blogspot dan sudah terisi beberapa thread dan terdiri 5 topik dalam Forum tersebut, diantaranya yaitu: Informasi, Tehnologi, Campur Sari, Game's mania dan Tutorial
Lalu apa sih manfaatnya forum?, setiap orang pasti dapat mengaplikasikannya berbeda-beda tetapi menurut saya pribadi "forum dapat membantu kita untuk menemukan jawaban dan serta sebagai tempat berbagi dan berdiskusi" oleh karena itu di forum-tutorial menciptakan sebuah posting yang mirip dengan posting blog. menarik bukan?. Oke sekarang kita langsung saja ke TKP buat praktek tentang bagaimana cara membuat Forum.
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- Silahkan anda login / registrasi terlebih dahulu, setelah ke 3 tahap registrasi ringan nanti akan di beri kode. Kalau punya uang lebih, pilih yang platinum, tapi kalau ga ada pilih yang free aja lalu klik. Berikut beberapa contoh gambaran cara screen dalam melakukan registrasi di,
- Kembali lagi ke blogger (tempat posting) pilih edit html lalu paste kan kode yang anda dapat tadi. lihat contoh di bawah.
- Silakan Terbitkan dan lihat hasilnya.
- Nah jika ingin melihat panduan lengkapnya silakan kunjungi halman ini untuk panduan lengkapnya. Selamat bereksperimen sobat dan semoga tulisan kecil ini dapat membantu.
mantap bro, saya mau bikin juga. Oh ya tadi saya sempat gabung di forum bebas yang sampean bikin, thank you so much.......
BalasHapussaya balik lagi nich, saya sudah selesai bikin forum sesuai petunjuk yang anda tulis. Tapi sayangnya belum bisa nambah ruang forum, gimana caranya
BalasHapusGambarnya langsung mengajari kita secara visual. Terima kasih tutorialnya.
BalasHapusSalam ukhuwah
@all: sama-sama, untuk itulah saya coba untuk brbagi dengan sobat blogger sekalian..., dan saya harap dapat bermanfaat....
BalasHapusWah, ternyata caranya g terlalu rumit, meskipun masih harus dibaca berulang-ulang, tapi paling tidak tidak serumit yg saya bayangkan, ckckckc kreatif sob
BalasHapusSukses ya... :)
SIP... hehehehe sempurna...
BalasHapusblognya sekarang lebih seger..
kapan-kapan saya mau coba juga membuat forum, seperti asyik dan bisa akin ramai hehe, terimakasih ya Gan
BalasHapusnice info.. blognya asik...makasih infonya
BalasHapushmmmm.. sedap di pandang blognya.. jadi pingin buat kayak gini hehehe
BalasHapusHaving seen a close friend going trough a difficult period due to a sickness caused by using tobacco I made it my personal mission to rescue as many other folks as possible from the very same experience, however quickly I realized that no matter how good your arguments are it's extremely difficult to make a smoker give up smoking cigarettes, not because the arguments are not sufficiently good and not because the smoker is not happy to quit but merely because smoking is a even more addictive drug than heroin and cocaine (scientifically proven).
BalasHapusI Then realised that there's in fact a way to quit smoking without quitting smoking, therefore give a smoker his pleasure and also habit but save them from the damaging effects of smoking cigarettes.
The Things I am talking about are e cigarettes. Read about all of the negative effects of smoking and the way an [url=]electronic cigarette[/url] could help you quite smoking cigarettes or simply allow you to follow your habit and acquire your kick without the harmful side effects of smoking on my webpage
P.S. I am hoping this will not be removed due to having a link to my site as I just attempt to inform and help.
God bless you
Chrissy M.
wah pengen belajar buat forum ni,,, mana tau pas blog rame bisa di pasang,, asik makasih banyak ya sobat,, mau saya sedot dulu tutornya,,, sekali lagi thaks...
BalasHapusWah tutorialnya lengkap dengan gambar yang memduahkan pencari blogger newbie seperti saya ini. Makasih Infonya Kang
BalasHapusluar biasa infonya sobat makasih yah :)
BalasHapus. thanks bro .. atas tutotial nya .. ane udah berhasil .. tapi untuk menambah kategory forum yang di bahas ane lum ngeh ney,di forum ane cuma ada 2 forum.News ama off-topic doank.. mohon panduannya yaa .. terima kasih ..
BalasHapusTajutnya blog jadi sepi komentar karena pada lari ke forum. btw aku juga mau bikin forum ah... doain ya sob biar sukses
BalasHapushomepage service
BalasHapusseo keyword
[url=]backlinks[/url] backlink exchange
Terimah kasih mas atas informasi cara membuat forum pada blognya, sungguh sangat membantu, mohon kunjungan balik yah mas ke blog saya :)
BalasHapusIncreasing your SEO organic rankings is simple with Xrumer. One of the most important parts of SEO and ranking well in the search engines is getting a lot of backlinks. There are many methods for getting back links, using Xrumer or using an Xrumer service is a straightforward way of getting massive backlinks.
BalasHapusXrumer is a program that can post in community forums and also publish blog comments. It takes care of all the protection issues such as creating accounts and CAPTCHAs. This makes it an exceptionally hassle-free program to use. You can also employ an [url=]xrumer service[/url] where an individual will run the link building software program for you. If you wish to get amazing Search engine optimization results, then you need to utilize an Xrumer Service. If you want to use Xrumer by yourself you have to fork out $500 plus money for a dedicated server. This usually costs about $150 monthly. Using an Xrumer service is really a less costly approach to take.
If you're going to make use of an Xrumer service you would like to make sure you're getting good quality work. Make sure you are obtaining verified posts so that you can verify that your Search engine optimization attempts are working. The Xrumer service you use should be able to provide you with this. If you find an Xrumer service, that isn't prepared to do this then you should find someone else to operate Xrumer for you. Also, make sure that there aren't any broken links. Many of these forums do not allow HTML or anchor-text, and this could cause links that do not work. This will not help your Search engine optimization rankings, so it's a total waste of time.
While Xrumer is very good, there are lots of people that don't make any promises about the quantity of posts you will receive. If you locate somebody that will guarantee their work with Xrumer for a fair price, then you should definitely take advantage of that Xrumer service. This way you will know you are receiving the links that you pay for.
Many Xrumer providers make big promises of hundreds of thousands of posts or blog comments. This is great, however the the fact is most of these won't even get recognized. Usually the success rate for one of the blasts is merely 4 percent. Even out of those lots of the links will not be live. If you would like to find a trustworthy Xrumer service, make sure they guarantee the amount of posts you will have, and be sure you can verify it.
Xrumer may take your web page straight to the top of Google if it is used the correct way. However, this will not be enough alone in most cases. You will have to include other backlinking strategies and on page SEO as well. However if you are serious regarding obtaining high rankings in the SERP's, you'll need to think about using an Xrumer service.
If you attired in b be committed to been smoking recompense uncountable years under and you dearth to relinquish it, hypnosis can certainly help. Smoking in global is very tricky to healthfulness and planning to grab rid of it is the wisest decision you longing ever make. The in reality that smoking can cause a all the way area of tiresome diseases and some may be cancer, it is honourable sensible to exit smoking. While there are a lot of methods that object to help people leave smoking such as nicotine lozenges, chewing gum, counselling, patches and some other cessation methods, story significant possibility is hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
BalasHapusHypnotherapy is proven to relief rebound the bad attire and empower patients to totally quit smoking. In general, hypnosis is defined for an altered shape of awareness with which the individual is brought subservient to a abstraction or a be in the arms of morpheus state. Clinical hypnosis is performed to manage certain unheedful of or actual problems which include suffering, weight issues, poor habits, behaviours, cowardice, anxety, solicitude, disquisition disorders, insomnia, addiction problems and more. There partake of been numberless arguments forth the effectiveness of hypnosis; some people are quiet dubious approximately it, opinion its some congenial of presage of magic. But if one at worst knows fact hither hypnosis and how it can assistance alleviate such conditions, people sure last wishes as clasp that.
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